Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Safe Search for Kids

Many people know that I was homeschooled through my high-school years. Those years were definitely a success for myself and I am homeschooling my oldest child now. My son is now a kindergarten, so I’m always on the look-out for books, software, supplies and tools. By tools, I mean anything that will be of use in their education.

The internet can play an important part of learning these days. From educational games and print outs to videos and research, you can find just about anything you would need online; you can even save money by not having to invest in an expensive curriculum.

Whether you homeschool or have a private/public school child that is doing research online for homework, I suggest this nifty kids search engine. Kids can enter their keyword or phrases of choice and find the information they need through a number of trusted kid safe search engines. These search engines are preset to filter out bad words and topics that you would not want them to access.

This kids search,, is free and effectively used by K-12 students and particularly for those between the ages of 6 – 12. There is a video tutorial on how to use the site available for new users which is helpful for those children and parents that are new to the web. There is nothing to download (like many of the search tool bars) and the navigational search bar stays at the bottom of your browser page so that you can perform new searches at any time without having to stray away from this page.

As always, for added precaution, parental supervision is suggested when children are using the internet.


Disclaimer: was found while browsing the 'net + I chose to share my honest opinion with others via this blog.

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